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      Ilya 和 Daria 是我遇到过的最好的钢琴老师之一,他们出自以完美技术和严苛基本功著称的-俄罗斯柴可夫斯基音乐学院,又系统的接受了欧美最好的钢琴教育,师从最优秀的钢琴大家,因此在现场聆听了他们的音乐会后,试了几节课,儿子便决定放弃掉跟随一位美国名师学习的机会,同时婉拒了原来所在音乐学校的丰厚奖学金挽留,成为他们音乐studio的一名新学员。现在八个多月过去了,我们越来越坚定的认为当初的选择是正确的,孩子基本功的提升迅速而扎实,指尖流出的音乐也日渐饱满,丰富,多彩。在最近的一些赛事中也展现出和以前的巨大不同及裁判的认可,但我相信这仅仅才是刚开始,两位老师的全力倾注,扎实和系统的方法与步骤,易懂且直接的授课风格,以及与琴童父母间随时高效的沟通,相信能有幸跟随他们学习的学员们的提升会更快更高。

- Xinliang Liu -

father of Brayden Liu

(Juilliard School of Music)

The Fedorova & Takser
Piano Studio


The Fedorova&Takser Piano Studio was founded in 2014 by the active performing musicians, as well as inspiring teachers and mentors, Ilya Takser and Daria Fedorova.


Both pianists graduated from the prestigious College of the Moscow State Conservatory and in 2010 were invited by renowned Canadian pianist and pedagogue Richard Raymond (teacher of the XVIII International Chopin Competition Winner Bruce Liu) to study at the Conservatoire de Musique de Montreal.

​Upon completing their Master’s degrees in 2013 with the highest distinction, they shared the Grand-Prix of the “Concours”, a unanimous decision by the jury members after their final recitals.

In 2014 Ilya Takser and Daria Fedorova settled in Vancouver and founded The Fedorova & Takser Piano Studio – the school that produced a bunch of National and International Piano Competition winners and keeping providing high quality music education till today.

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Fedorova&Takser Piano Studio
piano lessons vancouver
Fedorova&Takser Piano Studio
piano lessons vancouver
Fedorova&Takser Piano Studio
piano lessons vancouver

"Since 2014 our students are successfully achieving highest marks on their competitions and exams . The studio archive includes over 100 major prizes in various local, National and prestigious International Competitions.

Our students are regularly being accepted by the Top Professional Schools, such as The Juilliard School of Music, Oberlin Conservatory, Manhattan  School of Music, Columbus University among many others.

We strive to deliver the very best  to  each student, as we believe that absolutely every pupil, regardless talent and abilities, can play beautifully and enjoy the music throughout life. 

It's all about the teaching and organizing the processes."

- Ilya Takser and Daria Fedorova

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piano lessons vancouver
piano lessons vancouver


piano lessons vancouver
piano lessons vancouver
Fedorova&Takser Piano Studio
For lessons & master-classes, level evaluations or any other inquiries please feel free to contact us via this form

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